Senin, 25 Januari 2016

My holiday
On my holiday i went to Singapore. I used Garuda Indonesia to go there. I left from Jakarta Soekarno Hatta International Airport. The Singapore Airport, Changi, is way better, cleaner, and more advanced if you compare it with Soekarno Hatta Airport. One thing for sure is that Singapore is way nicer than Bandung.

I stayed in Singapore for 1 week. I stayed in a hotel called W hotels. It is a 4 star hotel, so it is kind of expensive. It is located in Sentosa near Universal Studios. The hotel is very nice and it has a very nice, big swimming pool. The pool is very quite and there are not much people swimming. The expensive price doesn't include breakfast. That shocked me.

There is a huge different between Indonesia and Singapore. Singapore's citizen obey to the rule well. So they don't have police on the streets, If you have been paying attention to the traffic condition is Singapore, you can see that it is more organized. Therefore the traffic is not that bad like in Bandung.

On my first day i went to Vivo city. Vivo city is a mall located just outside of sentosa. The mall is big. I walk around the mall and bought a Samsung VR. The Samsung VR is a device used for virtual reality. It can only used with a Samsung Phone.

On my second day, i went to Universal Studios. My family bought the express pass tickets so we don't need to wait in line. I was very lucky because the non express pass ticket line is very long. It could take up atleast 1 hour to line up for 1 ride. I rode a lot of rides like The Mummy. I wanted to ride the Battlestar Galactica Roller Coaster but my dad don't allow me.

On my third day, i Stayed in the hotel till noon. During my time there, i swam. At Night time, i went to Orchard street because it is Christmas eve. So there are a lot of people. I really don't like Orchard because it is very crowded.

On my fourth day, i went to Marina Bay Sands at night time. I only went there to eat. When i want to go back to the hotel, the taxi queue was very long. So my dad hired the expensive taxi because we don't like to wait a long time.

On my fifth, sixth, and seventh day i only stayed in the hotel.